Howard Hanna Professionals

Records may not be accurate to date due to incomplete stats. If you know of a record not currently listed on this page, or have game statistics or film from previous years, please contact us.

Hitting Records

Hits | Doubles | Triples | Home Runs | RBIs | Walks | Strikeouts | Batting Average

Base Running Records

Stolen Base Attempts | Stolen Bases


Put Outs | Assists | Double Plays | Pick Offs


Innings Pitched | Starts | Wins | Saves | Walks | Strikeouts

All-Time Varsity Hitting Records

Hits: Game
1. 5 - Ben Shaw (vs. Troy) - 2013
2. 4 - Dawson Prough (vs. Williamson, Athens) - 2016
4 - Nick Levindoski (vs. Towanda) - 2015
3. 3 - Cameron Brought (vs. Troy X2, Northeast Bradford, Wyalusing, Athens) - 2021
3 - Darryn Callahan (vs. North Penn-Mansfield) - 2021
3 - Joe Allen (vs. Cowanesque Valley) - 2016
3 - Dawson Prough (vs. Canton) - 2016
Hits: Season
1. 55 - Ty Antoine - 1979
2. 38 - Dave Anderson - 1982
38 - Carl Buss - 1981
3. 37 - Randy Gross - 1977
Hits: Career
1. 124 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016
2. 118 - Ty Antoine - 1976-1979
3. 100 - Dalton Prough - 2015-2018
100 Career Hits
1. 124 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016
2. 118 - Ty Antoine - 1976-1979
3. 100 - Dalton Prough - 2015-2018

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Doubles: Game
1. 3 - Cameron Brought (vs. Troy) - 2021
3 - Dawson Prough (vs. Williamson, Canton) - 2016
3 - Dawson Prough (vs. Cowanesque Valley) - 2015
3 - Jeff Wood (vs. Williamson) - 1974
3 - Curt Cole (vs. Elkland) - 1972
2. 2 - Dalton Prough (vs. Towanda) - 2017
2 - James Mundy (vs. Canton) - 2016
2 - Dawson Prough (vs. Northeast Bradford) - 2015
2 - Nick Levindoski (vs. Towanda) - 2014
2 - Dawson Prough (vs. North Penn-Mansfield, Williamson, Athens) - 2014
2 - Brandon Owlett (vs. Wyalusing) - 2014
2 - Dylan Prough (vs. Sayre) - 2014
Doubles: Season
1. 14 - Dawson Prough - 2016
2. 13 - Dawson Prough - 2014
3. 9 - Cameron Brought - 2021
9 - Scot Boyce - 1975
9 - Curt Cole - 1972
Doubles: Career
1. 43 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016
2. 19 - Cameron Brought - 2020-2023
3. 18 - Dylan Prough - 2011-2014

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Triples: Game
1. 3 - Darryn Callahan (vs. Towanda) - 2022
2. 2 - Brandon Owlett (vs. Coudersport) - 2013
2 - Dylan Prough (vs. Cowanesque Valley) - 2012
2 - Scott Lewis (vs. Mansfield) - 1977
2 - Brian Young (vs. Williamson) - 1974
Triples: Season
1. 6 - Darryn Callahan - 2022
2. 5 - Dylan Prough - 2012
3. 4 - Scott Lewis - 1977
4 - Brian Young - 1974
Triples: Career
1. 9 - Darryn Callahan - 2019-2022
2. 7 - Scott Lewis - 1975-1977
3. 6 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016
4. 5 - Cameron Brought - 2020-2023
5 - Brandon Owlett - 2011-2014
5 - Dylan Prough - 2011-2014
5 - Ty Antoine - 1976-1979

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Home Runs
Home Runs: Game
1. 3 - Ben Shaw (vs. Troy) - 2013
3 - Bill Roesch (vs. Williamson) - 1980
2. 2 - Carl Buss (vs. Cowanesque Valley) - 1982
2 - John Melko (vs. Mansfield) - 1981
2 - Carl Buss (vs. Elkland) - 1981
2 - Tom Young (vs. North Penn) - 1976
2 - Rick Hall (vs. Elkland) - 1975
2 - Darryl Kauffman (vs. Elkland) - 1975
2 - Tim Boyce (vs. Elkland) - 1974
2 - Brian Young (vs. North Penn) - 1974
2 - Jeff Wood (vs. Galeton) - 1974
2 - Curt Cole (vs. North Penn) - 1974
2 - David Stager (vs. Mansfield) - 1972
Home Runs: Season
1. 9 - Bill Roesch - 1980
2. 6 - Darryn Callahan - 2021
6 - Ben Shaw - 2013
6 - Dave Horton - 1974
3. 4 - Dawson Prough - 2014
4 - John Melko - 1981
4 - Carl Buss - 1981
4 - Scott Lewis - 1977
4 - Jeff Wood - 1974
Home Runs: Career
1. 10 - Ben Shaw - 2011-2013
2. 9 - Carl Buss - 1980-1982
9 - Bill Roesch - 1978-1980
3. 8 - Darryn Callahan - 2019-2022

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RBIs: Game
1. 8 - Ben Shaw (vs. Troy) - 2013
2. 7 - Ty Antoine (vs. Mansfield) - 1979
3. 6 - Cameron Brought (vs. Towanda) - 2023
6 - Carl Buss (vs. Cowanesque Valley) - 1982
6 - John Melko (vs. Mansfield) - 1981
6 - Carl Buss (vs. Elkland) - 1981
6 - Bill Roesch (vs. Williamson) - 1980
6 - Brian Davis (vs. Galeton) - 1979
6 - Randy Gross (vs. Elkland, Cowanesque Valley) - 1976
6 - Tom Young (vs. North Penn) - 1976
RBIs: Season
1. 39 - Keven Kuhns - 1982
2. 38 - Bill Roesch - 1980
3. 36 - Ty Antoine - 1979
RBIs: Career
1. 90 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016
2. 84 - Cameron Brought - 2020-2023
3. 70 - Carl Buss - 1980-1982
4. 68 - Dylan Prough - 2011-2014

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Walks: Game
1. 4 - Dawson Prough (vs. Williamson) - 2015
4 - Ben Shaw (vs. Williamson) - 2012
4 - Keven Kuhns (vs. Cowanesque Valley) - 1982
4 - Scott Lewis (vs. Mansfield) - 1977
4 - Scot Boyce (vs. Mansfield) - 1974
2. 3 - Darryn Callahan (vs. Canton) - 2021
3 - Dawson Prough (vs. Sayre) - 2016
3 - Joe Allen (vs. Northeast Bradford) - 2015
Walks: Season
1. 30 - Keven Kuhns - 1982
2. 27 - Carl Buss - 1982
3. 25 - Kevin Davis - 1979
Walks: Career
1. 62 - Keven Kuhns - 1980-1982
2. 50 - Dalton Prough - 2015-2018
3. 48 - Scott Cruttenden - 1980-1982

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Strikeouts: Game
1. 4 - Nick Levindoski (vs. Towanda) - 2015
4 - John Driebelbies (vs. Williamson) - 1979
2. 3 - James Mundy (vs. Milton) - 2016
3 - Gillan Alafoginis (vs. Canton) - 2015
3 - Nick Levindoski (vs. Canton) - 2015
3 - Sam Moss (vs. Towanda) - 2015
3. 2 - Brent English (vs. Towanda) - 2016
2 - Joe Allen (vs. Troy, Towanda, Coudersport) - 2016
2 - Larry Walters (vs. Athens, Athens) - 2016
Strikeouts: Season
1. 23 - Scott Lewis - 1977
23 - Brian Young - 1975
2. 22 - Doug Keck - 1979
3. 21 - Steve Cruttenden - 1982
21 - Greg Carr - 1982
21 - Kevin Davis - 1979
Strikeouts: Career
1. 59 - Joe Allen - 2013-2016
2. 53 - Scott Lewis - 1975-1977
3. 45 - Brandon Owlett - 2011-2014

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Batting Average
Batting Average: Season
1. .593 - Dawson Prough - 2014
2. .583 - Ty Antoine - 1979
3. .559 - Dawson Prough - 2015
Batting Average: Career
1. .512 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016
2. .482 - Cameron Brought - 2020-2023
3. .417 - Matt Reese - 2010-2013

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Stolen Bases
Stolen Bases: Game
1. 4 - Brandon Owlett (vs. Williamson) - 2014
4 - Dawson Prough (vs. Wyalusing) - 2013
4 - Matt Reese (vs. Williamson) - 2013
2. 3 - Conner Adams (vs. North Penn-Mansfield) - 2023
3 - Conner Adams (vs. Athens) - 2021
3 - Matt Reese (vs. Danville, Canton) - 2013
3 - Scott Cruttenden (vs. Williamson) - 1981
3 - Pat Cunningham (vs. Cowanesque Valley) - 1976
3 - Tom Young (vs. Williamson) - 1974
3 - Rick Hall (vs. Cowanesque Valley) - 1973
3 - Rick Ford (vs. Liberty) - 1972
3 - Doug Taynton (vs. Mansfield) - 1972
3 - David Stager (vs. Liberty) - 1972
Stolen Bases: Season
1. 22 - Conner Adams - 2021
2. 21 - Brandon Owlett - 2014
3. 20 - Dawson Prough - 2015
Stolen Bases: Career
1. 56 - Conner Adams - 2020-2023
2. 45 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016
3. 32 - Brandon Owlett - 2011-2014

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All-Time Varsity Fielding Records

Put Outs
Put Outs: Game
1. 14 - Ben Shaw (vs. Sayre) - 2013
14 - Steve Cruttenden (vs. North Penn) - 1982
2. 13 - Steve Cruttenden (vs. Mansfield) - 1982
13 - Greg Carr (vs. Cowanesque Valley) - 1982
13 - Jerry Carson (vs. North Penn, Elkland) - 1977
13 - Bill Priset (vs. Galeton) - 1977
13 - Dave Horton (vs. Williamson) - 1972
3. 12 - Cam Tennis (vs. Danville) - 2016
12 - Brian Doty (vs. Coudersport) - 2014
12 - Steve Cruttenden (vs. Elkland) - 1982
12 - Fred Palmer (vs. Galeton) - 1976
12 - Dave Horton (vs. Mansfield) - 1974
Put Outs: Season
1. 189 - Steve Cruttenden - 1982
2. 159 - Dave Horton - 1974
3. 151 - Jerry Carson - 1977
Put Outs: Career
1. 356 - Greg Carr - 1980-1982
2. 336 - Dave Horton - 1972-1974
3. 312 - Steve Cruttenden - 1980-1982

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Assists: Game
1. 8 - Dawson Prough (vs. Canton) - 2015
2. 7 - Dawson Prough (vs. Wyalusing) - 2016
3. 6 - Dalton Prough (vs. Milton) - 2017
6 - Dawson Prough (vs. Danville, North Penn-Mansfield) - 2016
6 - Aaron Yungwirth (vs. North Penn) - 1981
6 - Bill Roesch (vs. Elkland, Galeton) - 1980
6 - Doug Keck (vs. Williamson) - 1979
6 - Jim Stager (vs. North Penn) - 1975
6 - Darryl Kauffman (vs. Mansfield) - 1975
Assists: Season
1. 60 - Keven Kuhns - 1982
2. 58 - Dawson Prough - 2015
3. 53 - Dalton Prough - 2017
Assists: Career
1. 180 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016
2. 126 - Keven Kuhns - 1980-1982
3. 124 - Dalton Prough - 2015-2018

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Double Plays
Double Plays: Game
1. 2 - Carson Davis (vs. Wyalusing) - 2017
2 - Dalton Prough (vs. Wyalusing) - 2017
2 - Joe Allen (vs. Warrior Run, Towanda, Troy) - 2015
2 - Dalton Prough (vs. Warrior Run, Troy) - 2015
2 - Brett Kendrick (vs. Warrior Run) - 2015
2 - Dawson Prough (vs. Troy) - 2015
Double Plays: Season
1. 10 - Cameron Brought - 2022
2. 7 - Joe Allen - 2015
7 - Dalton Prough - 2015
3. 6 - Dalton Prough - 2017
6 - Dawson Prough - 2015
6 - Brian Doty - 2014
6 - Joe Allen - 2013
Double Plays: Career
1. 16 - Cameron Brought - 2020-2023
16 - Dalton Prough - 2015-2018
2. 15 - Joe Allen - 2013-2016
3. 14 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016

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Catching Pick Offs
Pick Offs: Game
1. 2 - Nick Tremper (vs. Danville) - 2015
2 - Nick Tremper (vs. Troy, Wyalusing) - 2014
2 - Ben Shaw (vs. Mansfield) - 2013
Pick Offs: Season
1. 12 - Nick Tremper - 2015
12 - Nick Tremper - 2014
2. 5 - Nick Tremper - 2016
3. 4 - Ben Shaw - 2013
Pick Offs: Career
1. 29 - Nick Tremper - 2013-2016
2. 5 - Ben Shaw - 2010-2013

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All-Time Varsity Pitching Records

Innings Pitched
Innings Pitched: Game
1. 10 - Doug Keck (vs. Williamson) - 1979
2. 9 - Joe Allen (vs. North Penn-Mansfield) - 2014
9 - Keven Kuhns (vs. Cowanesque Valley, Cowanesque Valley) - 1982
3. 8 - Darryl Kauffman (vs. Mansfield) - 1975
Innings Pitched: Season
1. 90 2/3 - Keven Kuhns - 1982
2. 79 - Keven Kuhns - 1981
3. 78 - Randy Gross - 1977
Innings Pitched: Career
1. 219 2/3 - Keven Kuhns - 1980-1982
2. 145 - Johnny Rowland - 2015-2018
3. 131 - Tom Janeski - 1974-1976

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Starts: Season
1. 14 - Keven Kuhns - 1982
2. 13 - Keven Kuhns - 1981
3. 12 - Johnny Rowland - 2017
Starts: Career
1. 35 - Keven Kuhns - 1980-1982
2. 24 - Johnny Rowland - 2015-2018
3. 23 - Joe Allen - 2013-2016

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Wins: Season
1. 13 - Keven Kuhns - 1982
2. 9 - Johnny Rowland - 2017
9 - Keven Kuhns - 1981
9 - Todd Root - 1979
9 - Tom Janeski - 1975
3. 7 - Preston Prough - 1982
7 - Randy Gross - 1977
7 - Tom Janeski - 1976
7 - Darryl Kauffman - 1975
Wins: Career
1. 26 - Keven Kuhns - 1980-1982
2. 18 - Johnny Rowland - 2015-2018
3. 16 - Tom Janeski - 1974-1976

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Saves: Season
1. 3 - James Mundy - 2015
2. 2 - Brandon Owlett - 2014
Saves: Career
1. 3 - James Mundy - 2013-2016
3 - Brandon Owlett - 2011-2014
2. 2 - Dawson Prough - 2013-2016

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Walks: Game
1. 12 - Todd Root (vs. Williamson) - 1979
2. 11 - John Driebelbies (vs. Williamson) - 1979
3. 9 - Doug Keck (vs. Williamson) - 1979
9 - Todd Root (vs. North Penn) - 1979
Walks: Season
1. 56 - Todd Root - 1979
56 - Todd Root - 1977
2. 46 - Tom Janeski - 1975
3. 43 - Keven Kuhns - 1982
Walks: Career
1. 113 - Keven Kuhns - 1980-1982
2. 112 - Todd Root - 1977-1979
3. 99 - Joe Allen - 2013-2016

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Strikeouts: Game
1. 16 - Todd Root (vs. Galeton) - 1977
2. 14 - Brandon Owlett (vs. Sayre) - 2013
14 - Keven Kuhns (vs. North Penn) - 1982
14 - Keven Kuhns (vs. Elkland, Williamson) - 1981
14 - Keven Kuhns (vs. Williamson) - 1980
3. 13 - Tom Janeski (vs. Williamson, Elkland) - 1976
Strikeouts: Season
1. 93 - Randy Gross - 1977
2. 89 - Keven Kuhns - 1982
89 - Keven Kuhns - 1981
3. 83 - Todd Root - 1979
Strikeouts: Career
1. 232 - Keven Kuhns - 1980-1982
2. 161 - Todd Root - 1977-1979
3. 138 - Tom Janeski - 1974-1976

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Howard Hanna Professionals
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